
In the Fall, we harvest our Pumpkins, Squash, Gourds and Decorative Corn from our fields. Our huge selection of Garden Mums come into bloom putting on a great show! We create a large selection of mixed Fall Urns and Planters and can custom design yours. We carry two sizes of straw bales. Our tall Ornamental Grasses and many shrubs are at their showiest stage and it is a good time to plant them.

Spring Flowering Bulbs

This is the time of year to plant the spring flowering bulbs that we depend on to rouse us from winter with their welcome colour and beauty. We carry a selection of old favourites such as King Alfred Daffodils and there’s enough selection to try something new. In the spring, many customers ask us about the purple Alliums in our front border – now is the time to plant! You’ll want to check our Soils/Mulches/Fertilizers page for bonemeal for bulbs as well as manure and mulches to tuck your garden into bed for winter.


Plastic Pots: You can drop off our own plastic pots for our re-use but please do not drop off pots from other nurseries and garden centers. Thank-you. They can also be placed in your blue box.

Cardboard trays: Please flatten our trays and place in your grey box.

Fibre/Peat Pots: These can be placed either in your Green Bin or with Yard Waste in paper bags, compostable plastic bags or a rigid, reusable container clearly marked “organics”.